Thursday, March 22, 2012

Week 2

The first delivery of backpacks was phenomenal!  The kids were excited to get them from what I hear.  They don't know where the backpacks are coming from.

On Friday after school, I was able to observe one of our kids going through his backpack for the first time.  He had a group of about 3 or 4 kids surrounding him.  He pulled each item out of the pack and said, "And I got THIS!". It warmed my heart and cemented my resolve to see his smile and excitement over the backpack.

Last Thursday, I had the privilege of speaking to a group of women at Monte Vista Church about Open Hands.  What blessing it has been to see God work.  One of the women has convinced Costco to come on board and donate backpacks and baked goods.  So this week, the kids are getting an extra treat of muffins and cookies!  Costco has committed to a onetime donation of 25 backpacks with school supplies as well as baked goods every week!  (We all know how yummy their baked goods are!)  What a blessing!  And a huge shout out to Sandie who took it upon herself to approach Costco.

Each of the backpacks was returned on Monday and I have refilled them.  They are ready to go for this week!  I will drop them off this afternoon so kids can get them whenever is convenient for them tomorrow!

Some of the immediate needs for next week are juice boxes, protein items (although I have lots of Ramen noodles right now), and fruit or vegetable cans/cups.

Thanks for following along on this exciting journey!
